A long video for a long project. Somewhere in-between a story time and a video essay, I hope you enjoy listening to it while doing chores or falling asleep... or maybe you're genuinely interested in what's going on, in which case, strap in. Music: 00:00 : Lasertooth - Rule of Three (https://lasertooth.bandcamp.com/album/neat-gunk) 11:24 : Launchable Socks - Archives (https://launchablesocks.bandcamp.com/album/qbeh-1-ost) 18:53 : Purely Grey - Witches (https://taperealms.bandcamp.com/album/27-006) 26:47 : Calavera - Dancing on Our Disasters (https://calaveralovesyou.bandcamp.com/album/kintsugi) 34:03 : Lifeformed - Frozen Hot Sauce (https://lifeformed.bandcamp.com/album/fastfall) 40:00 : Foewi - Lone Critter (Minimal Jam) (https://foewi.bandcamp.com/album/rosebud) 49:37 : Vince Kaichan - Geoconstruct 1998 (https://vincekaichan.bandcamp.com/album/tracker-works-2014-2018) 57:14 : Vince Kaichan - Yosemite Valley (https://vincekaichan.bandcamp.com/album/tracker-works-2014-2018) 1:06:56 : fluidvolt - Smiling Sigh (https://fluidvolt.bandcamp.com/album/clay-memory) 1:10:05 : PROTODOME - Astronomica (https://protodome.bandcamp.com/album/computer-music-2020-2023) All of this music is provided under Creative Commons licenses. Please visit the albums to see the exact license for each. Please consider as well supporting these artists. Their work is incredible and inspiring. The gory details: https://docs.google.com/document/d/166A6tMRgUUME77T05kWE2p-S-g6uxUy5JO9KMcX9THk/edit?usp=sharing The art: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dJTR-dJBIJR6vKuSh251Q62Jx3mbHOxg/view?usp=sharing The Windows 9x [de]compressor: https://github.com/pierce-smith1/io7 My website: https://fractalthorns.com